“I hold the gun straight out in front of me, shoulder level, a little awkwardly, something unusual, like smoking for the first time. Unpleasant pleasant. And highly necessary. The metal is warm and very light. My hand feels untrained, still no doubt I’d hit to kill: he stands just seven feet ahead of me. He’s heavy, sweating, black trousers, grey tie, white shirt. Black jacket. His mouth opens. 

I know he doesn’t think I’ll do it. That in itself makes me feel like doing it.”


“Ein wunderbares Buch.” 5*****, Kristeligt Dagblad

“Absolutely outstanding and heart shattering work of literature. Janne Teller writes brilliantly and with much insight about both the inner lives of us humans, current political hot-spots, idealism, and undying love.” National Danish Libraries

A few incidental encounters in Paris catapult a seasoned Nordic United Nations diplomat, almost against his own will, into the desperate uncovering of the truth behind his adult daughter’s violent political death in the Middle-East, resulting in a soul-destroying venture for justice where none is (legally) within reach.

Standing in a remote cottage in Virginia, a pistol pointed at the man he considers responsible, will he shoot or not?

Is there any justice for the dead? If yes, where is it to be found?
And if not, what do you do?

‘ARE YOU PROUD OF ME, JOANNA?’ is at once timeless and acutely current. A novel about idealism, politics, love and power abuse. About revenge, and a justice that doesn’t always exist.

Order the novel here (in Danish)

Publication date: Oktober 2024