Janne Teller i interview om hendes nye roman ER DU STOLT AF MIG, JOANNA?
Janne Tellers nye roman ER DU STOLT AF MIG, JOANNA? – om en dansk FN diplomats desperate søgen efter sandhed og retfærdighed efter hans datters voldelige død ved fredsaktivisme i Mellemøsten – udkommer fredag den 4.10.2024 på forlaget Lindhardt&Ringhof.
En roman om idealisme, politik, kærlighed og magtmisbrug. Om hævn og retfærdigheden, der måske ikke altid findes.
En både topaktuel og tidløs roman.
Masthuggsteatern i Göteborg har sat op Janne Tellers roman ‘INTET’ som teater.
Premiere 22.3.2024.
Spelas på teatern och turné. Program her.
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
Glædelig jul & Godt nytår
Buon Natale & Felice Anno Nuevo
Feliz Navidad & Próspero Año Nuevo
Frohe Weinachten & ein Glückliches Neues Jahr
Joyeux Noël & Bonne Année
More posts will follow on Substack. You can subscribe to @janneteller.substack.com for free – and get full access for a period of time as a special start-up offer for everyone. No commercials, just thoughts and debates. Please join the discussion. As Janne Teller is avoiding the polarized social media, her Substack page will be where you can hear from, and sometimes meet and interact with her.
Today, Janne Teller’s novel Nothing is published in the Czech Republic by Pulchra publishing house, with the title NIC. Janne Teller will present the book at the Vaclav Havel Library in Prague at 16.30 hrs.
Essay om hvorfor forbud mod afbrænding af Koranen – såvel som af alle andre bøger – vil være en kæmpe sejr for ytringsfriheden (Politiken 5.8.2023) // Why the burning of the Koran – as well as the public burning of all other books – is a violent kind of censorship against Freedom of Expression, that should be prohibited in Denmark.
Essay in Danish daily Politiken (5.8 2023), as to why the burning of the Koran – as well as the public burning of all other books – is a violent kind of censorship against Freedom of Expression, that should be prohibited in Denmark.
Forbud mod bogafbrænding vil være kæmpe sejr for ytringsfriheden
Janne Teller’s Short-Story collection Everything is published in Spain by Seix-Barral on the 6/7 with the title Todo.